DefaultTableModel(Object data[][], Object col[]):
This method creates a DefaultTableModel and initializes the table that will pass in it. It takes the following arguments:
- data: This is the object that adds in a table.
- col: This is a column object that adds in the table.
insertRow(int row_index, Object data[]):
The above method is used to insert a row at specified location. It takes the following parameters:
row_index: This is the index of row that to be added.
data: This is the data that have to add in the table.
Example snippet of a code
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(data,col);
//creates the default model of the table
JTable table = new JTable(model);
//Insert a row in first position
model.insertRow(0,new Object[]{"Jahson","50"});
//Insert a row in 4th position
model.insertRow(3,new Object[]{"Moses","600"});
//Insert last position
model.insertRow(table.getRowCount(),new Object[]{"John","600"});
The above code snippets if used in a code to insert rows will add the rows in the rows in the first , 4th position and last position respectively.
Remember that counting in programming begins from zero thats why we are saying that this code
model.insertRow(0,new Object[]{"Jahson","50"})will insert the row in position one.
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