Creating Menus in Java

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In this section, you will learn about creation of menus, submenus and Separators in Java Swing. Menu bar contains a collection of menus. Each menu can have multiple menu items these are called submenu. Similarly, all menus have multiples menu items. The Separator divides the menu items in a separate groups like same types of menu Items are divided into a individual parts.
The following are the classes which are used while creating menus in java

This is the class which constructs a menu bar that contains several menus.
This is the constructor of JMenu class. This constructor constructs the new menu. It takes the string type value which is the name label for the menu.
This is the constructor of JMenuItem class which constructs new menu items for the specific menu. It takes string types value which is the label for the menu item.
This is the constructor of JSeparator class which adds an extra line between menu items. This line, only separates the menu items.
This method is used to set the menu bar to the specified frame. It takes the object of the JMenuBar class.

Example of a code with menu bar and menus and menu items

import javax.swing.*;

public class SwingMenu{
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  SwingMenu s = new SwingMenu();

  public SwingMenu(){
  JFrame frame = new JFrame("Creating a JMenuBar, JMenu, JMenuItem and
seprator Component"
  JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
  JMenu filemenu = new JMenu("File");
  filemenu.add(new JSeparator());
  JMenu editmenu = new JMenu("Edit");
  editmenu.add(new JSeparator());
  JMenuItem fileItem1 = new JMenuItem("New");
  JMenuItem fileItem2 = new JMenuItem("Open");
  JMenuItem fileItem3 = new JMenuItem("Close");
  fileItem3.add(new JSeparator());
  JMenuItem fileItem4 = new JMenuItem("Save");
  JMenuItem editItem1 = new JMenuItem("Cut");
  JMenuItem editItem2 = new JMenuItem("Copy");
  editItem2.add(new JSeparator());
  JMenuItem editItem3 = new JMenuItem("Paste");
  JMenuItem editItem4 = new JMenuItem("Insert");

 The output of the above program is as shown below
The image below shows the menu items with a seperator between open and close menu items.

Submenus of the "File Menu"


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